

A Plague Tale: Requiem Skill System Explained

A Plague Tale: Requiem gives you even more options than the first game for boosting Amicia's combat abilities. On top of equipment upgrades, Requiem introduces a dynamic new skill system. However, it's not as simple as earning skill points or anything, as the new system adapts to the way that you play. It can all be a bit confusing to wrap your head around, so we'll help break down the intricacies of how the skill system works in A Plague Tale: Requiem.

How to Learn Skills in A Plague Tale: Requiem 

Skills are separated into three different categories in Requiem: Prudence, Aggressive, and Opportunism. These categories essentially correspond to three different playstyles in the game, and the more you play like that, the more experience you earn. 

The hard part is that there are no numbers involved in the system, so it's not immediately clear how much you're earning at any given time.

The best thing to keep in mind is that any "encounter" with enemies will give you experience, whether that's an open area you need to sneak through or a forced combat encounter. Once that section is over you'll get the experience, so for example, if you're sneaking through ruins, once you reach a door that Amicia locks behind her you'll be granted experience.

With that in mind, here's how you raise each of the three categories.

How to Raise Your Prudence Skills

This category entirely applies to stealth, meaning sneaking by enemies, hiding in grass, and distracting enemies. The stealthier you are the more experience you'll get, and you very much do not want to raise the alarm or be discovered.

If you use alchemical tools to distract enemies you can still get Prudence experience, or if you leave some enemies alive and kill others. But keep in mind you want to be stealthy and unseen to raise Prudence. 

How to Raise Your Aggressive Skills

As you might expect, Aggressive applies entirely to fighting enemies directly. Requiem gives you a lot more options for combat, so killing enemies with your crossbow or sling is going to give you points in the Aggressive category.

Sneaking up on enemies and choking them will also raise this category. Being aggressive can, of course, be more dangerous than other approaches, and if Amicia gets swarmed by multiple enemies it can lead to trouble very quickly. 

How to Raise Your Opportunism Skills

Opportunism is by far the hardest category to raise, as it applies to using alchemical tools. Keep in mind this doesn't just mean crafting your alchemical ammo, but actually using it. As you go through enemy-filled areas you'll find multiple objects you can interact with, like jars of tar that can be hit with Ignifer to start a fire, or torches you can put out with Extinguis to get rats to kill an enemy.

You need to take out or distract enemies with alchemy in order to raise this category, so try and be creative with your approach. One thing to always keep in mind is Odoris, which you can use to attract rats to a certain position. This can be used to position rats in key chokepoints, where you can use Extinguis to put out enemy's torches.

At the same time, don't forget to use pots with things like Ignifer (lighting an area on fire) or Extinguis (blinding a group of enemies so you can escape). 

As an extra note, it's generally a good idea to put most of your focus on using stealth and alchemical tools for the bulk of the game. This is because A Plague Tale: Requiem throws a lot of mandatory combat encounters at you in the last few chapters, so you're going to get a good amount of Aggressive experience that way. Additionally, when you start New Game+ all of your experience will carry over. 

That's all you need to know about how to increase each skill in A Plague Tale: Requiem. Check out our review of the game, or our guide on how to defeat armored enemies.

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